Butch Cannon - a Nasty Private Eye

Pre-published as a comic-strip in the pages of Bear magazine, Butch Cannon - the nasty detective is an ongoing project. 12 pages of strip and a 12-pages story should make up the complete comic. Stay tuned for new adventures of this steaming hot private dick ...

Prépublié comme un comic-strip dans les pages de Bear magazine, Butch Cannon - the nasty detective est un projet toujours en cours d'élaboration. 12 pages de strip et une histoire de 12 pages devraient constituer le comics complet. Restez branchés pour les nouvelles aventures de ce privé chaud bouillant ...


  1. I love reading this series, Cannon taking care of business while having fun. I remember back when tumblr was cool you were working on some more Butch Cannon material, will we be seeing those someday? Can't wait when they come out.

    1. You'll be happy to know that I'm actually working on the 12 pages story. All the dialogues of the one-page strips are already written. I have plan to sell the comics on the beginning of 2022.

  2. Does exist any reason why not all released Butch Cannon pages are here? I know already 9 plus the "cover" while here you have only post 4 plus the "cover".

    1. The main reason is that I want to publish the 24 pages as a whole comics. I'm actually working on it. probably ready for the beginning of 2022. Stay Tuned!

  3. hey any word yet on the butch cannon comics ... release & where to purchase ... can't wait

  4. any time frame on that butch cannon whole comic would love to own it ... keep us posted love to buy it
