Sunday, December 31, 2023 20 ans déjà !

 Did you know that 20 years ago, at the very beginning of 2004, I put my very first website online: (don't ask me why . org, I was a neophyte and it sounded good...) thanks to Jimmy who let me host my site for free (many thanks to him!) On Wayback Machine, you can find various ocurrences of my site over the years. Many links are still functional, even zipped files in the "goodies" section. I went through them with a lot of emotion!

Now it's your turn. Feel free to browse the early versions (roughly between 2004 and 2008), where you'll find the different designs the site has gone through. Once again, some links work, others don't!

Go on and click right down here !


  1. I used to have this bookmarked and would visit frequently. I'm very glad you kept up a blog
