Sunday, July 7, 2024

Grug is overfucked!


Hello Folks, I have a finished commission to show you with the kind permission of its owner, Zenpei! I must say it was fun and I had merely as much pleasure working on the main subject of the scene as on the background. and since Zenpei is also an artist among my peers, he pointed out a couple of things on my sketch that helped me get a more coherent anatomical drawing. Thanks to him (we never stop learning and improving).

I never studied academic art, never done any live model drawing and I'm not much of a huge sketcher. I learned to draw, reading comics exclusively. That explain I have a curious and sometimes not very accurate sense of anatomy (And I don't talk about the monstercocks which are perfectly normal...) The good thing about my style is that there's very little chance of it being targeted by AI farming... 👍😂😎

But more seriously, I had a blast working on this piece (and it helped me decide to watch the movie I hadn't seen yet...)

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